Wednesday, 7 November 2007

'Final Destination' Opening Sequence**

Part 1 (0:00 - 10:00)

Part 2 (10:01 - 20:02)

The opening sequence of 'Final Destination' starts off with a normal, every day scene with Alex at home packing for his trip to Paris followed by Alex asleep. It is at this point that we are shown clues foreshadowing what will later happen in the film including the fan being still, pages of books flapping and the clock appearing to read 1:80 instead of 1:00.
This dissolves into the flight board at the airport with flight number 180 and it at this point that we are introduced to the rest of the characters.
However it is not until Alex is at the desk to get his boarding pass that we are given the most clues. This keeps building up until Alex wakes up on the plane and there is a fight in the aisle of the plane.
The music creates an eerie mood throughout the film's opening which carries on after the plane crash itself.
There is a change in time within the first 10 minutes, which shows the detailed accident which is simply shown as an explosion when it actually happens. I think this is effective and could work for my own thriller, however the current idea may not fit with a change in time.

All of the 'Final Destination' trilogy have the same style of opening with a premonition that comes true, which works well for the style of film.

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