This image shows Norman Bates as he is stabbing Marion Crane. He is silhouetted so we cannot see his face and as he is wearing a costume to be like his mother we cannot recognise his outline. He is shown from the point of view of Marion Crane, so we can see the water across him. His arm is raised showing that he is about to stab marion. The shot is also at a low angle, showing that Norman has a height advatage and looks imposing as he is coming from above.

This image of Marion Crane shows her expression as she turns around to see her murderer, who we later find out is Norman Bates, wielding a knife at her. She is shown to be vulnerable because she is in the shower and was therefore unable to hear anyone enter the room. She would also have been unable to see much, and wouldn't have expected anyone to be in the room because she would normally shower alone. She is also naked and wet, both of which increase her vulnerability. The close up on her face shows the fear she is overcome by and her open mouth is accompanied by a scream.

This image of the Bates house, shows the imposing image that hides Norman Bates' secrets. It looks like a typical haunted house, which has connotations of death, ghosts and spookiness. The house in the film is the setting of Detective Milton Arbogast's death at the top of the stairs. The house is featured most often in the film at night with the moon in the sky, casting long and dominating shadows. The people going up to the house became silhouettes because the house blocked out the light from the moon. When the house was show in daylight it was at the end of the film when Lila Crane is going up towards the house, about to discover the truth about Norman's life.